Technical Study of the Solar Option & Terms of Reference

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Technical Study of Solar Option 

The Solar Option technical papers for the International Conference on Lake Chad includes a Technical Study – printed in English and French

The Technical Study provides sample calculations for a single version of the Solar Option. Critical assumptions on the cost of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and grid-scale batteries are provided. In a formal engineering study of the Solar Option, specific real-world costs must be determined. 

The Technical Study of the Solar Option does not include other project costs, such as for pumps and pipelines. A formal engineering study, as specified in the Terms of Reference (see below), will characterize all project details including technologies (solar power, pumps & pipelines), infrastructure required, and budget & schedule. 

Terms of Reference 

The Solar Option technical papers for the International Conference on Lake Chad includes a Terms of Reference – printed in English and French – for a comprehensive Engineering Proposal to fully implement the Solar Option. The proposal will contain detailed designs and specifications – including budgets and schedules – to allow the project to be funded and built.  

We recommend that two, competing engineering proposals – following the Terms of Reference – be completed by separate technical teams. Then, based on merit, a single construction contractor can be chosen. 

It is our hope that all stakeholders will reach consensus on the Solar Option to Save Lake Chad. 

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© Guy Immega  2018